Using Conformity Fields

The core of Conformity’s schema validation lies within its extensive set of fields, detailed here. Most fields can be imported either from their specific package (detailed below) or from conformity.fields, but fields that require extra dependencies (such as PyCountry or Currint) and fields and constants from conformity.fields.logging must be imported directly from their specific package.

Basic Fields

All Conformity fields inherit from basic.Base (and, should you need create your own, they must inherit from Base, too). It defines two key, abstract methods, errors and introspect, which all Conformity fields must implement. errors returns an empty list if no errors were encountered, or a list of one or more error.Error objects if validation failed.

An Error has three properties:

  • code: A machine-readable code identifying the nature of the error (required)

  • message: A human-readable message detailing the nature of the error (required)

  • pointer: A pointer to the location of the error, which has a value when the error occurred in a list, dictionary or other structure (optional)

introspect is used to generate a dictionary containing introspection information that can be used to document the schema or auto-generate type conversions. PySOA and the Conformity Sphinx extensions use introspection to document fields and schemas in Conformity, PySOA, and other projects.

In addition to other constructor arguments that each field might have, all fields have an optional description keyword argument. You are encouraged to always provide this argument, as it powers self-documentation of your schemas and settings.

There are several basic field types that encompass the validation of common primitives:

  • basic.Anything: The simplest concrete type, its values can be literally anything. Its errors method always returns an empty list.

  • basic.Constant: This can be used to require that a value be a specific, constant value or one of a set of allowed values. Some examples:

    fields.Constant('option1', 'option2', 'option3', 'option4')

    It is not required that the values be strings. They can be numbers, integers, complex objects, or anything else you desire. Think of Constant as much like an enum.

  • basic.Hashable: This ensures that the value can be hashed. Any type or content is valid, as long as calling hash(...) on the object succeeds without error.

  • basic.Boolean: This ensures that the value is a bool, either True or False. Non-Boolean truth-y or false-y values are not permitted.

  • basic.Integer: This ensures that the value is an integer (floats are not permitted). It defines optional arguments gt, gte, lt, and lte, permitting you to establish boundaries for the values it validates. The values for these boundaries can be integers, floats, or instances of decimal.Decimal.

  • basic.Float: This ensures that the value is a float, and defines the same boundary arguments defined by Integer.

  • basic.Decimal: This ensures that the value is an instance of decimal.Decimal and defines the same boundary arguments defined by Integer.

  • basic.UnicodeString: This ensures that the value is a unicode string (str in Python 3 and unicode in Python 2). It defines optional arguments min_length and max_length to establish boundaries for the value length and allow_blank (default True) for whether blank values are allowed (if min_length is specified greater than zero, allow_blank is ignored).

  • basic.ByteString: This ensures that the value is a byte string (bytes in Python 3 and str in Python 2) and defines the same arguments as UnicodeString.

  • basic.UnicodeDecimal: This ensures that the value is a unicode string that is also a valid argument for creating a decimal.Decimal (it matches decimal syntax).

  • meta.Null: This indicates that the value must be null (None).

  • meta.Nullable: You can wrap this value around any field to make it nullable. By default, all Conformity fields require the value to be non-null, but when wrapped with Nullable, it becomes valid for their values to be None:

    non_nullable_field = fields.UnicodeString()
    nullable_field = fields.Nullable(fields.UnicodeString())

    In this example, 'hello' would be a valid value for non_nullable_field, but None would not. However, both would be valid values for nullable_field.

Geography, Dates & Times, and Networking

There are several common but less-primitive types that you might need to validate, and Conformity provides fields for many of them (and you can always create your own and, if you want, submit it in a pull request).

  • geo.Latitude: A special extension of Float sets gte to -90 if it is not set and forces it to be greater than -90 if it is set and sets lte to 90 if it is not set and forces it to be less than 90 if it is set.

  • geo.Longitude: A special extension of Float sets gte to -180 if it is not set and forces it to be greater than -180 if it is set and sets lte to 180 if it is not set and forces it to be less than 180 if it is set.

  • net.IPv4Address: An extension of UnicodeString that ensures that the string is a valid IPv4 address.

  • net.IPv6Address: An extension of UnicodeString that ensures that the string is a valid IPv6 address.

  • net.IPAddress: An field that ensures that the unicode string is either a valid IPv4 address or a valid IPv6 address.

  • email.EmailAddress: An extension of UnicodeString that ensures that the string is a valid RFC 2822 email address. This validation is very thorough and supports all special characters, dot-atoms, and quoted-string unicode characters that are permitted. It supports an additional, optional whitelist argument that should be an iterable of domains and defaults to {'localhost'}. If the email domain is present in this set, the domain portion of the email will be assumed correct and not validated.

  • temporal.DateTime: Ensures that the supplied type is an instance of datetime.datetime. It has optional gt, gte, lt, and lte arguments that, like Integer, can set boundaries for the date-time object. These arguments, if specified, must be datetime.datetime objects.

  • temporal.Date: Ensures that the supplied type is an instance of Its gt, gte, lt, and lte arguments, if specified, must be objects.

  • temporal.Time: Ensures that the supplied type is an instance of datetime.time. Its gt, gte, lt, and lte arguments, if specified, must be datetime.time objects.

  • temporal.TimeDelta: Ensures that the supplied type is an instance of datetime.timedelta. Its gt, gte, lt, and lte arguments, if specified, must be datetime.timedelta objects.

  • temporal.TZInfo: Ensures that the supplied type is an instance of datetime.tzinfo.


    The TZInfo field does not require PyTz to work, but PyTz is certainly the easiest and only practicable way to create a datetime.tzinfo object which can be passed to TZInfo.errors.

Structures: Lists, Dictionaries, and More

So far we have examined relatively simple types, but the power in Conformity comes from its ability to have structures of nested fields and perform nested validation on all of them. The fields in conformity.fields.structures establish these structures.

Lists and Sets

structures.List and structures.Set provide the ability to have arbitrary-length lists and sets (respectively) where each value matches some other Conformity schema. List supports objects of type list and Set supports objects of type set and frozenset. The both have optional min_length and max_length arguments that define boundaries for the collection size, but the key is the mandatory contents argument that defines the nested schema:

fields.List(fields.UnicodeString(allow_blank=False), min_length=3, max_length=20, description='Foo')
fields.Set(fields.Integer(gte=0, lte=100), description='Bar')
fields.Set(fields.Constant(**allowed_types), min_length=1, max_length=10)

When each of these fields is validated with an errors call, its own boundaries will be checked and also errors will be called on its contents for each value in the collection.


Dictionaries are the next logical structure to validate. Conformity provides structures.Dictionary and structures.SchemalessDictionary to support this need.

Dictionary has a contents argument that must be a typing.Mapping[typing.Hashable, fields.Base], which defines the dictionary keys and their respective, nested Conformity value schemas. It also provides optional_keys (default empty) for when you want to make some dictionary keys optional and allow_extra_keys (default False) for when you want to permit any-value keys not defined by the contents.

person_schema = fields.Dictionary(
        'name': fields.UnicodeString(),
        'height': fields.Float(gt=0),
        'age': fields.Nullable(fields.Integer(gte=0)),
        'eye_color': fields.Constant('blue', 'brown', 'black', 'green', 'yellow', 'hazel'),
    optional_keys=('eye_color', ),
    description='Foo bar',

One of the helpful features of Dictionary is its extend method, which allows you to create a new Dictionary which extends the original’s schema without having to re-define everything:

extra_person_schema = person_schema.extend(
        'employer': fields.UnicodeString(description='The ID code for the employer'),
        'country': fields.CountryCodeField(),
        'age': fields.Nullable(fields.Integer(gte=18)),
    optional_keys=('employer', ),
    description='Extra foo bar',

This extra_person_schema will have all the fields from person plus the new fields defined, and the minimum age will have been overridden to 18. Because replace_optional_keys was False, the optional_keys will now be ('eye_color', 'employer'). Also, extra keys are now disallowed in this new field.

Dictionary is useful for defining validation for a strict dict, but sometimes you need something more flexible. SchemalessDictionary is for when you don’t care about the exact key, you just care about the key and/or value types. For example, perhaps it can be the request or response schema for a bulk submit or a bulk lookup:

response_schema = fields.SchemalessDictionary(
    key_type=fields.UnicodeString(description='The ID of the user requested in the input'),
            'id': fields.UnicodeString(description='The user ID'),
            'username': fields.UnicodeString(),
            'password': fields.ByteString(),
            'email': fields.EmailAddress(),
            'organization_id': fields.UnicodeString(description='The organization ID'),
        optional_keys=('organization_id', )

As you can see above, SchemalessDictionary is quite flexible. It has key_type, value_type, min_length, and max_length fields, which are all optional. key_type and value_type can be any field that extends Base.


The structures.Tuple field is a bit more niche than the other four structure types. Unlike List and Set, which both ensure that all of their values meet the same schema, Tuple is for defining a fixed-length collection where each value can be different. For example:


In order to pass validation for this field, values most be tuple instances with exactly four items matching the four schemas defined, in that order:

('foo', 2, True)  # invalid
(b'bar', 2, True, 'baz')  # invalid
('qux', 3, False, None)  # valid
('qux', 4, True, 'foo')  # valid

You can see a great example of Tuple in use in the positional-arguments example of Validating Function Calls.

Fields with Extra Dependencies

There are a handful of fields which you may find useful but which require extra dependencies to use.

country.CountryCodeField is a special extension of Constant that ensures the value is a unicode string that is a valid ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code. It has one argument, code_filter, which if specified must be a typing.Callable[[typing.AnyStr], bool]. The filter will be passed a country code and should return True if that country code is allowed and False if it is not allowed. This is an eager filter that will filter the allowed country codes when the instance is constructed instead of waiting until validation time.

In order to use CountryCodeField, you must specify the country extras dependency:

# With pip
pip install conformity[country]
# With
# With Pipfile
conformity = {version="*", extras=["country"]}

There are four other fields that make use of Currint types if you specify the currint extras dependency:

  • currency.Amount: This field ensures that the value is an instance of currint.Amount. It provides an optional valid_currencies argument which, by default, is the set of all ISO 4217 currency codes recognized by Currint. It also provides optional integer gt, gte, lt, and lte boundary arguments that will be compared against the currint.Amount.value attribute.

  • currency.AmountRequestDictionary: A special extension of Dictionary that enforces the standard JSON-compatible representation of a currint.Amount input value, which must have a string 'currency' key and an integer 'value' key:

        "currency": "USD",
        "value": 1200,

    This object, for example, represents USD 12.00. Like Amount, it also has valid_currencies, gt, gte, lt, and lte optional arguments.

  • currency.AmountResponseDictionary: A special extension of Dictionary that enforces the standard JSON-compatible representation of a currint.Amount response value, which must have a string 'currency' key and an integer 'value' key and may optionally have string keys 'major_value' and 'display'.

        "currency": "USD",
        "value": 1200,
        "major_value": "12.00",
        "display": "12.00 USD",
  • currency.AmountString: A Unicode string field (which does not extend UnicodeString) that enforces the value meets the currency format 'CUR,1234' or 'CUR:1234', and, like Amount, supports valid_currencies, gt, gte, lt, and lte optional arguments.

  • currency.CurrencyCodeField: is a special extension of

Constant that ensures the value is a Unicode string that enforces the value meets the currency format as 'USD'. It has one argument, code_filter, which if specified must be a typing.Callable[[typing.AnyStr], bool]. The filter will be passed a currency code and should return True if that currency code is allowed and False if it is not allowed. This is an eager filter that will filter the allowed currency codes when the instance is constructed instead of waiting until validation time.

Advanced Fields

There are several advanced fields that aren’t used very often but that cater to complicated or niche requirements. We’ll cover them here, starting with the easiest.

Any and All

meta.Any and meta.All are basically opposites. Any wraps two or more other Conformity fields (Base) and passes validation as long as at least one of those fields passes validation. For example, if Any is used with three fields, and two fail to vaidate but one passes, Any passes. Example:

number = fields.Any(fields.Integer(), fields.Float(), fields.Decimal(), fields.UnicodeDecimal())

With this definition, a value will be valid as long as it is an int, float, decimal.Decimal, or unicode string in valid decimal format. If it matches none of those, Any.errors will return a combined list of all of the Error objects collected from all four fields.

All does the exact opposite, and passes validation only if all of the fields pass validation.


In this case, the value must be a unicode string and also pass the custom validation specified in the BooleanValidator (more on that below).

Custom Validator Functions

It’s possible that your validation rules can’t be expressed in something as simple as a Conformity schema. You may need more complex validation that requires context that can’t be known within Conformity fields. Instead of implementing a custom field, you can just use the meta.BooleanValidator field. It takes several arguments:

  • validator (required): A callable that takes a single argument (the value) and returns a bool indicating whether that value is valid or invalid

  • validator_description (required): A unicode description string detailing what the validator function does

  • error (required): The error message that should be set on Error.message when validation fails

  • description (optional): The standard Conformity documentation string

    validator_description='This custom validator does custom validation',
    error='This thing is custom-ly invalid',

Objects, Types, and Python References

There are several fields that deal with objects, types, paths, and Python references in the conformity.fields.meta module.

  • meta.ObjectInstance: This validates that the value is an instance of the provided type or types. Its valid_type argument can be either a Type or a Tuple[Type, ...]. During validation, errors calls isinstance, passing the value as the first argument and self.valid_type as the second argument.

  • meta.TypeReference: This is similar to ObjectInstance, but ensures that the value is a type instead of an instance. With no arguments, it simply ensures that isinstance(value, type). The optional base_classes argument can be either a Type or a Tuple[Type, ...], and if specified, errors checks issubclass(value, self.base_classes).

  • meta.PythonPath: This is a unicode string (though it does not extend UnicodeString) that enforces that the value provided is an importable and referenceable Python path. A simple, top-level class, function, or attribute can use the format, baz.qux.other_module.my_function, etc. The more advanced form—with a colon separating the module and item—is optional for top-level items and required for non-top-level items, such as or baz.qux.other_module:OtherClass.my_method. PythonPath attempts to import the module and resolve the Python object located at that path, and returns an error if it can’t for any reason.

    PythonPath also has an optional argument value_schema, which must be a Conformity field (Base). If specified, once the item has been successfully imported, errors will ensure that it passes validation in that value_schema.

        description='A thing that does something',


    PythonPath makes use of aggressive caching so that it’s not frequently importing the same items over and over again. Even across multiple instances of PythonPath, once (example) is imported and resolved, it will not have to be imported and resolved again, and will instead be obtained directly from cache.

  • meta.TypePath: This extends PythonPath. Instead of a value_schema argument, it provides an optional base_classes argument. It then sets its value_schema to a TypeReference of the same base_classes. This is a way of requiring the imported Python path to be a type that optionally extends a specific base class.


meta.Polymorph is an interesting and complicated field. It is designed to switch which Conformity schema it uses to validate the input based on some value from the input. In the simplest terms, the input is always a Mapping (dictionary, mutable or immutable). When creating a Polymorph, you provide it two mandatory fields:

  • switch_field: This is the name of a dictionary key that can always be found in the item being validated. The value associated with this key is used to determine which schema to use for validation.

  • contents_map: This is a mapping of possible values associated with the switch field key and the Conformity field that should be used to validate each one. Its allowed type is technically typing.Mapping[typing.Hashable, Base], but because the item validated has to be a mapping, the field used should, realistically, be either a Dictionary or a SchemalessDictionary. The special contents_map key __default__, if present, will define a default schema for when the proper schema can’t be determined based on the input. If not present, an error will be raised in this case.

        'dog': fields.Dictionary({'type': fields.UnicodeString(), ...}),
        'cat': fields.Dictionary({...}, allow_extra_keys=True),
        '__default__': fields.SchemalessDictionary(key_type=fields.UnicodeString()),
    description='Be sure to write documentation for such a complicated field!',

In this example, if the validated item’s 'type' field has a value of “dog,” the first dictionary will be used to validate the item. The value “cat” in 'type' will result in the second dictionary’s being used. Any other value will result in the SchemalessDictionary being used, but would have resulted in an error without '__default__'. Note that the schema for each possible value must either be schemaless, have a 'type' field that is a UnicodeString, or have allow_extra_keys=True, so that the 'type' field used for switching in this case passes validation.

Class Configuration Schemas

meta.ClassConfigurationSchema is perhaps Conformity’s most advanced and powerful type. When used, the item validated must be a Mapping (dictionary, mutable or immutable) with at least a key 'path'. This 'path' will be validated using TypePath, and the base_class argument to ClassConfigurationSchema will be passed to the TypePath, if specified. The type (class) resolved by each value of 'path' must be decorated with @ClassConfigurationSchema.provider(...), which specifies the (Dictionary) schema for that class’s constructor’s arguments (or an empty dictionary if there are no arguments).

ClassConfigurationSchema is best explained with examples. It starts with defining some kind of base class and then one more more implementations:

class Widget(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    def do(self):
        """Do widget stuff"""

class BobbleWidget(Widget):
    def __init__(self):
        """No arguments"""

    def do(self):
        ... do things ...

        'widget_name': fields.UnicodeString(),
        'do_count': fields.Integer(),
class FumbleWidget(Widget):
    def __init__(self, widget_name: str, do_count: int, **kwargs):
        ... do things ...

    def do(self):
        ... do things ...

@fields.ClassConfigurationSchema.provider(fields.Dictionary({'db': fields.ObjectInstance(DBConnection)}))
class FidgetWidget(Widget):
    def __init__(self, db_connection: DBConnection):
        ... do things ...

    def do(self):
        ... do things ...

Once your classes are created, you define your schema:

config_schema = fields.ClassConfigurationSchema(
    base_class=Widget,  # this argument is optional and defaults to `object`
    default_path='',  # this argument is optional and only used if the item is missing 'path'
    description='You definitely need to document this.',  # optional, but encouraged
    eager_default_validation=False,  # this optional argument defaults to True
    add_class_object_to_dict=True,  # this optional argument defaults to True and controls a side effect (below)

Now let’s explore possible input values:

config1 = {'path': ''}
config2 = {
    'path': '',
    'kwargs': {
        'widget_name': 'Hello',
        'do_count': 5,
config3 = {
    'path': '',
    'kwargs': {},
config4 = {}

In this case, config1 would, when validated, resolve the BobbleWidget. Since that class has an empty dictionary as its schema, validation passes. config2 would resolve to FumbleWidget, and it would also pass validation since it has a kwargs key whose contents pass the schema dictionary defined for that class. config3 would fail validation, because it is missing the db_connection required by the schema for FidgetWidget. Finally, config4 would pass, but only because default_path is set and BobbleWidget has no required arguments. If default_path were not set, or if BobbleWidget had required arguments, config4 would fail validation.

ClassConfigurationSchema is the only Conformity field whose validation process results in a side-effect on the item validated. Once the type at 'path' is imported and resolved, that type (not an instance of it) is added to the item under the key 'object' (this name was chosen for historical reasons related to PySOA, and might be changed to 'type' in Conformity 2). So, you can use the following code to resolve the path, validate the arguments, and instantiate the type with those arguments:

if config_schema.errors(settings['widget_config']):
    raise ...

widget = settings['widget_config']['object'](**settings['widget_config'].get('kwargs', {}))

If you do not desire the 'object' side-effect, you can disable it by setting add_class_object_to_dict=False. In this case, you would need to do a bit more work to instantiate the widget:

if config_schema.errors(settings['widget_config']):
    raise ...

widget_type = PythonPath.resolve_python_path(settings['widget_config']['path'])
widget = widget_type(**settings['widget_config'].get('kwargs', {}))

The final argument of note is eager_default_validation. It is ignored unless default_path is specified. If default_path is specified and eager_default_validation is True (the default), the class at default_path will be eagerly imported and resolved and checked to make sure it has a valid @ClassConfigurationSchema.provider decorator.

Logging Helpers

The Python Logging dictionary configuration is a common dictionary-based settings/configuration object in need of validation. Python does some level of validation on values passed to logging.config.dictConfig, but that validation is not necessarily thorough, and the errors arising from an invalid configuration are often cryptic and hard to track down.

The conformity.fields.logging module contains one helper field PythonLogLevel, which is a simple Constant with log level names as the pre-defined values, and some helper schemas to make it easier for you to accurately validate logging settings:

  • PYTHON_ROOT_LOGGER_SCHEMA: The schema (Dictionary instance) for the root logger

  • PYTHON_LOGGER_SCHEMA: The schema (Dictionary instance) for all other loggers

  • PYTHON_LOGGING_CONFIG_SCHEMA: The schema (Dictionary instance) for the entire Python logging config dictionary format.

Creating Your Own Fields

If none of these fields meet your needs, creating your own field is a matter of extending Base, defining arguments, and implementing errors and introspect. We recommend Dataclasses (if you’re using Python 3.7 or newer) or Attrs to avoid boilerplate code in your field. Attrs is a bit more powerful because it includes validation features, unlike Dataclasses. If you want to submit your field as a pull request to Conformity, we require you to use Attrs and Python Type Annotation comments to avoid boilerplate code and to be compatible with Python 2.7 through 3.7.

class Widget(Base):

    minimum_something = attr.ib(validator=attr_is_instance(Something))  # type: Something
    description = attr.ib(
    )  # type: typing.Optional[six.text_type]

    def errors(self, value):  # type: (typing.Any) -> typing.List[Error]
        errors = []


        return errors

    def introspect(self):
        return strip_none({
            'type': 'widget',
            'minimum_something': six.text_type(self.minimum_something),
            'description': self.description,

strip_none is a handy utility in conformity.utils for removing dictionary items whose value is None. attr_is_instance, attr_is_optional, and attr_is_string are validators provided by Attrs.

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Documentation generated 2023 January 11 18:51 UTC.